Tuesday, July 3, 2007

On Our Independence Day

To be perfectly honest, the whole "4th of July" thing has never been a big deal at my house as far as the fireworks and cookouts go....I really started thinking about the 4th today on my way home from clinicals. Traffic is already a disaster in preparation for the upcoming holiday. I watched several cars go by with beach supplies, bags of ice, coolers, and fireworks hiding out in the back seats and I thought to myself, "Another family celebrating the 4th", but the 4th isn't all about cookouts and fireworks.
In passing all those going to the beaches, I also passed a SUV with a bumper sticker that said "I love my marine." That sticker is what sent the nuts and bolts turning in my tired head. I don't think we give enough credit to our soldiers....we get to sleep in our comfy beds while they have to sleep on the ground, we can sit around in our air-conditioned homes when it's hot, they have to be out in the heat all day, we can sit back and relax on the porch swing, they get no relaxation, we can come and go as we please while they are off fighting to keep it that way.
So in preparation for the 4th, go here:
Let's be sure to remember our military in our prayers not only on the 4th of July, but everyday!


Brittney said...

I love your perspective! Also really appreciated that link. Thanks for sharing!