Oh what a great weekend! Two girls could not have asked for anything better than a Signature Sound concert! Wow, it was just wonderful! The day started out by driving a somewhat uneventful 264 miles across to Jackson, Tennessee. We stopped a few times along the way. I felt this was like a journey across the Southern states, so I took a picture of the Mississippi and Tennessee welcome signs. My sleeping niece in the passenger seat made no effort to hold her eyelids open through this journey. Shame on her! When we got to the hotel, we were a tid bit early to check in so we embarked on another journey....to find the church! About 8 miles later there it was....this was a huge church. We don't have many churches in my neck of the woods that seat 3,000 people! The outside was gorgeous, leading to even more pictures.

As concert time approached, the butterflies in my stomach were telling me it was time to go! My niece and I (along with the butterflies) loaded up in the car toward the church. We got there 2 hours early and stood in line, hoping for excellent seats. As we stared at the double doors, hoping and praying they would suddenly open, I saw out of the corner of my eye a man wearing a red/white striped dress shirt waving from inside. Who else but sweet Doug would remember us! He just smiled from ear to ear after we waved back in excitement.

As they opened the doors to let the crowd in, we rushed to what would soon be deemed "OUR seats". We were lucky enough to get the first set of non-reserved seats....the third row! After claiming our "treasure" we started back out to the product table to get pictures and scope out Ernie's suit. We were hoping that we would not get that "Century 21" suit AGAIN! Ernie let us know real quick that he had retired that suit from the summer tour. We were introduced to his.....well...."bunnies". Only Ernie could make such a suit look good.

Who ever would have thought Ryan to have such great dance moves! If only I could describe in words what I saw with my very own eyes!! I guess "cowboy" would be the best title for such a dance move...Oh, the memories! I wish I could've captured that one in video, but I will just have to rely on my memory! Doug was stepping up the comedy part also. He was the "tattler"of the group. The little "tattle" notebook he kept was so very funny. He played that part well. Tim had the guts enough to make a wife joke while HER parents were occupying the front row....bravery was shown and he succeeded! Ernie's humor of course included Bill Gaither and also, a new face--Christopher Phillips. The babyfaced 26 year old was introduced by Ernie as "12 years old". Christopher took the sarcasm gracefully! In addition to the Gaither "special talents" moment, Ernie allowed us the pleasure of almost falling off the stage....Oh, if that was rehearsed, he did a wonderful job of scaring me to death! I thought the bunnies were going to take a tumble for the worst! And last but definitely not least, I finally got to meet David. Just a quick "can I take a picture with you" was enough to tell that David is a super sweet guy. He had to "approve" our picture before he left! Too sweet :-)

As I think back on the events of that night, I smile. I had the best time and I just oh so wish I had a rewind button. All they guys are so good to take "just one more" picture. I know they must have thought my camera was somehow surgically attached to my hands....I went just a little bit camera crazy. I am sure they understand....we don't get many opportunities to sit up front, so I took advantage of that blessing!
It was so good to see all the guys! I just love em! They sang most of the songs from the Get Away Jordan CD in addition to Forgiven Again, Then Came The Morning, Pray For Me, I Then Shall Live, Sweet Sweet Spirit, Glory To God In The Highest, and I am sure there were others! My mind does not function for at least 2 weeks after returning from a concert.
What a great report, Jen! I'm so glad you were able to go, though I have to admit I am a tad bit jealous!!! And I loved those pictures from the 3rd row - great seats! Love ya!
So, so.... good!!!! I wish I could've been there too! You got such great pictures as well. I love the background behind you and Ernie ;) Looks so cool :)
Thanks for sharing all your pictures and reports. I know... I have a rewind button too that I wish existed :)
Oh, what a wonderful report!! And you already know I love those pictures. ;-) The best of times, eh?
Wow, Jennifer, that was great. Yeah I just now got around to reading your concert review. LOL Looks and sounds like you had a great time at the concert and made much memories. Loved the pics.
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