Saturday, January 5, 2008

More fun to come in 2008???

I have been filling out my calendar this morning-- adding important school dates and times, clinical hours, ect...I have also been studying the SSQ concert schedule to see how many potential concerts there are for us this year. With 3 down in the books already, I am hoping to see many more dates scheduled for us southern folks! Not that I didn't enjoy the traveling days of 2007, but it got expensive--flights, hotels, rental cars--I am jobless until graduation, so money is tight until I see that RN license come in the mail. I can't wait till the first concert for us this year! I am really excited about it since we got really good seats and it just so happen to fit into my clinical schedule--barring any type of schedule change on my end *keeping fingers crossed and a prayer sent everyday* So, in addition to all these concert jitters I am ALREADY suffering from, I start my preceptorship this semester at the hospital I plan on working for! Preceptorship hours are crazy! I have to put in 150 total preceptor hours along with the twelve 8 hour clinicals that are required for this semester! I may be showing up to that concert in my scrubs! But, like Ernie always says, "Don't Worry, Be Happy"

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Oh my....I didn't realize

It's been FOREVER since I made a blog entry! What in the world has been occupying my time so that I cannot blog!?!?!? Well first of all, school almost killed me--I have never been so nervous about an exam in my life! The final for the fall semester was the only test that has EVER made me sick! I am so glad that part is over with. With four semesters down and one to go, nursing school is coming to an end. Seems like I just started out, but I am almost finished! The one thing that I look forward to the most is not having to wear those ugly white uniforms--hideous! Who ever decided to dress a bunch of girls in all white was crazy!

Secondly, I have been following four of the greatest guys all over the United States during 2007. 12 concerts really will spoil a person. 3 airplane rides will totally turn a person against the airline industry. 1 scuffed rental car will make you wish you took out the insurance to cover that little mishap at the Steak and Shake...oops! $117.oo worth of scrapbook materials and photos will make your checkbook sad and your heart smile--especially when you look at the finished product! Looking back, 2007 has been an AWESOME year! It was full of could it NOT be great?

Thirdly, I had been changing bedrooms. I moved the majority of my junk into the bigger bedroom. That was a disaster! I can't even talk about it--LOL

Fourth, my laptop has been out of commission--bad DVD/CD drive. It's been in the shop getting fixed. You never realize how much a small machine can make your life miserable until it stops working. I was stuck with the big desktop--old faithful. That PC has been through a lot. I am glad she is still hanging in there!

So, to make a quick ending here--I have been extremely busy! I hope to be back to blogging on a regular basis. I won't know anything until school starts back. Something tells me it may be another 3 months before my blog gets updated! Yikes~