Thursday, January 3, 2008

Oh my....I didn't realize

It's been FOREVER since I made a blog entry! What in the world has been occupying my time so that I cannot blog!?!?!? Well first of all, school almost killed me--I have never been so nervous about an exam in my life! The final for the fall semester was the only test that has EVER made me sick! I am so glad that part is over with. With four semesters down and one to go, nursing school is coming to an end. Seems like I just started out, but I am almost finished! The one thing that I look forward to the most is not having to wear those ugly white uniforms--hideous! Who ever decided to dress a bunch of girls in all white was crazy!

Secondly, I have been following four of the greatest guys all over the United States during 2007. 12 concerts really will spoil a person. 3 airplane rides will totally turn a person against the airline industry. 1 scuffed rental car will make you wish you took out the insurance to cover that little mishap at the Steak and Shake...oops! $117.oo worth of scrapbook materials and photos will make your checkbook sad and your heart smile--especially when you look at the finished product! Looking back, 2007 has been an AWESOME year! It was full of could it NOT be great?

Thirdly, I had been changing bedrooms. I moved the majority of my junk into the bigger bedroom. That was a disaster! I can't even talk about it--LOL

Fourth, my laptop has been out of commission--bad DVD/CD drive. It's been in the shop getting fixed. You never realize how much a small machine can make your life miserable until it stops working. I was stuck with the big desktop--old faithful. That PC has been through a lot. I am glad she is still hanging in there!

So, to make a quick ending here--I have been extremely busy! I hope to be back to blogging on a regular basis. I won't know anything until school starts back. Something tells me it may be another 3 months before my blog gets updated! Yikes~


DavidPlunk said...

Jen, It is so encouraging to have comments left on your blog. I hope school is going well for you. I will continue to check for those blog entries from you! You sure did make me smile when you talked about your SSQ Scrapbooks. I would love to see them!