Sunday, February 10, 2008

Tupelo Homecoming--Feb 9, 2008

EH&SS have really spoiled me—I normally only attend Homecomings for that ‘hold me over until solo’ feeling, but this one was the best I have seen! We had a great time—not too far to drive, traffic was nonexistent until we tried to find a place to eat! The traffic in Tupelo was horrible! While we were creeping along in traffic, Lindsey freaks out and starts screaming…”MARSH! IT’S MARSH! TURN AROUND!” I almost had a wreck trying to see what this crazy girl was hollering about. She saw Marsh walking down the sidewalk! If traffic had not been so crazy, I would have at least rolled the window down and let out a big “HELLO!” After having my eardrum ruptured by Lindsey’s screams, we stopped at Red Lobster to eat and everyone, including management, was looking at our MB shirts. Our waitress got an earful about SSQ when she inquired about our matching attire.

We got to the venue a little early because our tickets were held at the box office. When we entered the arena we saw David at the table—there’s probably not a better way to be welcomed that to have it done by David! He is so very sweet to us…always open for hugs, pictures, and a little chitchat. We kept David company for a few minutes before making our way inside. Thanks, David!

We took our seats and waited patiently…time was creeping by too slowly. Frankie passed through the arena and saw our shirts, threw up a big ‘hello’ wave-- busy guy, but always manages to say hi somehow or another! A few minutes later, Tim came walking through with big ‘hello waves’ and smiles.

We went back out to the tables hoping the rest of the guys would be out—they were. Doug was really excited to have Lindsey back with us—he always takes the time to make us feel so special! We talked with him a while and told of our future concert appearances. Doug asked Lindsey “You been riding any more 4 wheelers with Ernie?” She is still giving me a hard time about posting that! We saw Ryan and Tim without a fan attached, so we jumped in for a picture. Ryan was looking in the other direction when we suddenly appeared for a photo op. I asked how Olivia’s big birthday was and he said she had a great time. We got our pic with Tim and told him he’d be seeing us again in Corinth!

So with all our hugs and hellos completed, we went back to our seat and waited for everyone to come on stage. Those crazy Gaither guys are hilarious at the beginning of the show—Rory and Kevin keep the crowd laughing! Before we knew it, the concert was starting! I cannot even begin to remember all the songs that were done, but they were good! Lots of stuff from the Together project, Jeff and Sheri Easter, Greg and Charlotte Ritchie and Landon—such a little cutie, Ivan Parker, Ben Spear, Lynda Randle, Michael English, Janet Paschal…I am sure I will forget to mention someone. The show-stopper (as always) was EH&SS. They rocked! Get Away Jordan was awesome—people on their feet, clapping, shouting…it was fun! I love the body slam between Ernie and Doug—pretty cool! Every Homecoming event I have been to, EH&SS are always the first standing ovation, and that didn’t change for this show. They always bring energy to the arena. Ah, I just love em! Oh yea, I almost forgot, Wayne Haun was there also--doing a great job on the piano again. GVB hit the stage right after our guys. I was glad they did I’ll Tell It Wherever I Go…I like the songs where Wes has a time to shine. Gotta support my Alabama guys! Speaking of Alabama guys, Gordon Mote rocks! I love the songs he does solo—Don’t Let Me Miss The Glory, Old Gospel Ship, Can’t Even Walk Without You Holding My Hand…. It just doesn’t get any better!

At intermission, we went to say hi to Ernie. He asked us how long our drive was…they know we are crazy enough to drive for hours. Got a good hug and a picture. About this picture…well, it seems that Labernie showed up when he heard there would be a photo op! (((Thanks Ernie))) Speaking of Ernie, he was dressed quite normal. Lindsey even said, “Does he…match?” I didn’t know what to think—no bunnies, no safety pins, what is the world coming to??? Anyway, he looked great—they all looked exceptionally spiffy—from the tip of their beautifully spiked hair to their shoes. It was wonderful seeing them again. We miss them so easily! We get home after a concert, rest for a few minutes, then we miss them again! It’s a vicious cycle…

After intermission, we went back to our seats and Kevin was drawing names for the $200 give away from Gaither. You will never guess who won—LINDSEY! She was the last name to be called. She screamed so loud when they called her name—people from every direction turned and looked. She got to go to the stage and she was on the big screen during the time when Bill would ask their names. Tim talked to her while she was up there. Pretty cool! She is thinking about giving it away to the animal shelter—she’s an animal nut, so the shelter will more than likely be receiving some money soon. Ah, this was the best Homecoming we have been to! I can hardly wait for Meridian and Pensacola!

Thanks guys! You always make our drive worth while!


Anonymous said...

You REALLY need to consider just attaching your car to their bus! I have never seen a person go to so many concerts!
I might just have to see what this is all about!


DavidPlunk said...

We should do that Jen. Just attach a van to their bus and just ride along with them. That would be awesome!