I have not seen a sunny, pretty day in quite some time now. I am either stuck in a hospital from before the sun rises until after the sun sets, or I am trying to study something completely boring and miserable! I had a rough morning....failed my exit exam by about 5 questions, so the pretty day was not accepted as such until after I calmed down some. I decided to take a few pictures of the pretty day--just to remember that no matter what happens in my 'personal' life, God is still great!Friend to the bees and other creepy crawlers! One bee in particular kept trying to get rid of me, but I stood my ground--but not for long....I hate bugs!
This is the only little purple flower in the entire flower pot! This little trooper has survived some frigid temperatures!
It was so pretty outside, I just had to let Jazz get a breath of fresh air. He has become an 'inside' kitty over these past few months (he was not thrilled with that change, but he is learning) so I was a good mom--let the kitty play in the sunshine for a while!
I planted this tree when I was in the 4th grade and now it towers over our swimming pool and is a good bit taller than our house! It's endured many a tornado warning and even became the home to a little nest of birds for a while. I can't believe how big it has gotten!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
So THAT'S what a pretty day looks like!
Posted by Jennifer at 8:16 PM
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Jen, today was a beautiful day in good ole Tennessee too! Sorry about your test but at least the Lord ended your day on a happy note!
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