Oh I can't wait any longer! Ft. Worth here we come :-)
I have not had the opportunity to fly anywhere in years, so this is going to be great! My niece will be experiencing her first flight encounter as we load up on the plane to Texas. I am hoping she does not have some sort of hypochondriac spell and think we are doomed to crash...nah, she is excited about it as well. I think she may actually already be packed! I am usually the first to do such craziness....packing a week early!
My mom is going to have a wonderful time I am sure of it! She really needs this break. I cannot wait for her to see a EH&SS SOLO concert!
In amidst all the excitement, I can't help but think of the worst....missing our flight home! I am on a very very tight schedule! Nursing school has no mercy over family issues, sickness, death, missed flights, etc...
On the other hand, I am so excited about meeting my message board family! There are so many great people that I cannot wait to meet. My camera will be full of so many great memories!!! This wonderful Ft. Worth weekend will be tucked away in my "memory chest" forever!
AWWWWWW! I want to be there soooo bad!!! Have fun for me, okay? :)
I hope you have a great time on your trip!
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