I feel like I have been going nonstop for so long....how do you adjust your 'breaks' on life when you have been speeding for so long? As most of you that read my blogs know, my step-father passed away last Friday after a long drawn out sickness. He had Alzheimer's and dementia along with the recurrence of cancer. My mom and I have been through a lot the past few years, so trying to get back into the swing of "normalcy" is going to be difficult for a while. After a LONG week behind me I start to wonder...."What would it feel like to stop and smell the roses?"
I made the first effort to "slow down" today after I got home from class. With the funeral just 2 days behind us, there are flowers everywhere at my house. I decided to fiddle around with my camera and try to relax. I took picture after picture of flowers, plants, and 'pretty things'.
Then (as always, I have enlightening moments when I least expect them) I thought about how much God loves us. Just think, these flowers are so beautiful and perfect....God made them just for us to enjoy....E-N-J-O-Y! When was the last time you really "enjoyed" something???? Yes, me too....it's been a while. So for now, I am sharing my moment of enjoyment with you. :-)
Then (as always, I have enlightening moments when I least expect them) I thought about how much God loves us. Just think, these flowers are so beautiful and perfect....God made them just for us to enjoy....E-N-J-O-Y! When was the last time you really "enjoyed" something???? Yes, me too....it's been a while. So for now, I am sharing my moment of enjoyment with you. :-)

Awwwww Jennifer! That is such a sweet post. (((HUGS))) I just love your spirit... You keep going even when everything gets you down. I love you girl! Thanks for the smiles today... in your own special way! ((((HUGS)))) again... (nobody can be hugged too often ;))
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